February 22, 2012

Reappearing ... and the Punanny State

I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry. I disappeared to never never write land because of great projects I'm working on. My book draft is coming along so well, I'm glowing with pride. Whenever I think "it's time to write" that's what I settle in on. I get to play with one liners about dirty dishes and dishing dirt. Back at it in full force after it was in the incubator stage for a while because I co-chaired an amazing conference with a phenomenal team called Limmud NY which I'll gush about another time soon. Since then, I've helped to put together an amazing alumni event for Columbia which was beautiful, and have a similar Columbia Hillel event this week.  All in all, it's been a crazy few months. My full time job is also kicking it up a notch this semester with 2-4 events on our calendar per week and some crazy other cool projects down the pipe which I've been working on.

So I don't really, read the news anymore. Or have time for "living the dream" whether its American, Jewish or just the kind that hit you when you actually reach REM. So what I'm most grateful for this week is that some people out there in the big bad world are defending my rights to womanhood with their sketch comedy-political commentary take on men being the only voices given credence when Congress convened a panel last week to settle the standoff between the Catholic Church and women... I could say OY but I'll also recommend you watch it, and perhaps yesterday's as well, and even read the Guardian piece which does a great job exposing our dirty laundry to the UK.

Admission of an over-share: In a month where my birth control was recalled, I'm filling particularly close to these particular types of women's issues. Also, yes, I was prescribed said birth control when it was determined that I have PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome - which Stewart also mentions. And of course when you're thinking of personal level women's issues something always come along that gives you a worrisome frown line in your big picture scope - fortunately, when the topic of human trafficking resounded on my radar today it was solution oriented thanks to CNN's Freedom Project. Today's topic was about how two people and a huge number of supporters are helping women with an economic hand up which will help keep communities from selling their children into our modern slave trade. 

Finally, in another issue close to my heart, (ahem, yes, sex ed,) back here at home, in the Jewish community is taking on a progressive overtone - at least that's the claim of the upcoming event at the JCC Manhattan which should be filled with some good inspiration... If you want to join me let me know!

Anyway, next post promises to be about what a wild, crazy, and irresponsibly expensive week this one has turned out to be - as I'm off to Red Rooster Harlem for their opening of "Downstairs" - with Cal Massey inspired Blues and amazing food.

And my belated inclusion ... aptly said on the Colbert Report, about the house of representatives hearings on women's reproduction, "Aren't guys really the ones who should be talking about reproductive rights, because we're the ones who have the responsibility of telling the lady it's really her responsibility." Steven Colbert asked of Nancy Pelosi, while he further mused on why women are "so obsessed" with controlling their own bodies. Perhaps words like these will enlighten the people who are making decisions for us.